Brand / Creative Strategy

I believe you need an empathetic and holistic approach for any problem solving process to succeed. Using curiosity and collaboration I’ve worked on strategic engagements such as brand positioning, mission statements, tone of voice documents and naming systems.

Click here for ideas.

Design / Activation

Connecting the strategic thought process with playful and appropriate concepts is an important part of my work. Often the link is missing between the ‘upfront thinking’ and the execution of an idea. My aim is to connect these ideas with beautifully crafted design executions. Whether it’s a brand identity, a book design or a motion graphic. I’m here for it.

Click here for more ideas.

Performance / Devising / Writing

Part of my creative practice has always been creating theatre and telling stories to audiences. For the last 3 years I have been part of the Women’s group at the Arcola Theatre in Dalston, making theatre based on the issues women have faced for centuries. I also integrate writing into my practice and was a member of the Roundhouse Poetry collective 2017-18.

Click here for a sneak preview.

Mental Heath First Aider